Longevity and Epigenetics

We are not only pioneering biotechnological advancements, but also delving deep into the intricacies of our individual genetic codes by measuring DNA methylation, which is an epigenetic mechanism that regulates gene expression by recruiting proteins involved in gene repression or by inhibiting the binding of transcription factor(s) to DNA.

DNA methylation happens when methyl groups are added to our DNA. The methyl groups interfere with RNA polymerase’s ability to decode DNA, causing functionality issues similar to DVD player’s inability to decode discs with surfaces scratches and smudges resulting the skips and stutters upon playback.

Impact of wear & tear on a laser’s ability to decode DVDs

Quality of picture is dependent on the laser’s ability to clearly decode the disk…

Scratches & smudges lead to skips and blurs.

The same thing happens in our body.


Just as no two DVDs accumulate scratches in the exact same manner, each person's DNA experiences unique methylation patterns as they age. Remarkably, even identical twins, who start with almost indistinguishable genetic blueprints, will develop distinct methylation patterns over time, illustrating the profound influence of both genetics and environment on our DNA. This individual variability in DNA methylation means that understanding and potentially targeting these changes requires precision and personalization.

Pathology & Physiology

The amount of methylation our DNA experiences increases as we age, and can be affected by additional factors such as behavioral (diet, exercise) and environmental factors.

Abnormal increases in methylation of specific DNA sequences, called “DNA hypermethylation”,
is associated with a large number of disease conditions, including various forms of cancers, age-related cognitive impairment and dementia, Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular disease, COPD and respiratory disease, chronic kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, sepsis, and many others.

Inflammation has been shown to be a driver of DNA hypermethylation, and the extent of DNA methylation can be measured by various “biological clocks".


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